
Project Status Update July 2002


Declan has submitted some sample code which now resides out there on SourceForge ( There is also a more detailed description with regard to his release on the BBS here (;action=display;num=1027013271).

We are looking now for someone to begin conceptualizing a basic networking engine and graphics engine. At this point pseudo code or sample code is just fine, any help is welcome and appreciated. For the graphics we will be using Crystal Space, so if you are interested in working on that go here and check it out (

In the meantime, I am working to explore and document the process of using CVS (concurrent Versioning System) through our project page on SourceForge. I'll keep you posted, let me leave it at that for now :)

Feel free to register on the BBS and post any concerns, comments or questions there.

Best regards and thanks in advance,


Posted by Charles E Yellig 2002-07-20

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