
UML diagrams in XMI format

Rob Knapen
  • Rob Knapen

    Rob Knapen - 2007-01-25

    All UML diagrams should at least be available in the standard XMI exchange format, and perhaps as image or PDF so that they can be used outside Enterprise Architect.

    • Jan Gregersen

      Jan Gregersen - 2007-02-01

      All UML diagrams that belongs to the official releases are available in OpenMI documentation, which is PDF. This documentation is installed on your computer if you install the OpenMI (the .Net version). Alternatively, this documentation can be found at . Since we started using visual studio 2005, which has a build-in facility to generate UML diagrams, we stopped using Enterprise Architect. However, old UML EA diagrams are still on source forge.

    • Rob Knapen

      Rob Knapen - 2007-02-08

      Sorry, I think my question was not clear enough. Developers working with the Java version of OpenMI most likely do not have Enterprise Architect or Visual Studio 2005, or Visio. So it would be helpful for them to also have the new UML diagrams for version 2 being developed available as PDF or XMI (or at least JPG).


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