
#67 EcoSpold 01 export: negative values in the "mean value" field of inputs

Daniel Savi

Dear openLCA-Team.
We are trying to export processes with the ecospold export function (ecospold version 1). If we are choosing processes where the inputs have no uncertainty distribution assigned, the export works. If we however choose to export processes, where the inputs are having a lognormal uncertainty distribution the export doesn't work.

Two things may happen, depending on the dataset we are trying to export:
1. situation: When clicking "Finish" on the last page of the export-dialouge, an error message appears, stating that finish failes (see atteched log file)
2. situation: The export seems to work, but the ecospold-file contains only -1.0 as mean values and 1.0 for the SD95% (see attached ecospold file in the ecospold folder).

1 Attachments


  • Daniel Savi

    Daniel Savi - 2013-01-23

    I've forgot to mention, that we are using version 1.2.9 64bit on Mac

    After further investigating the problem, we have the following additional information:
    Both errors described above only appear if we have inputs where "parameter1_value" and the "parameter1_formula" fields differ in the databse' table "tbl_exchanges". Same applies for the corresponding "parameter2_*" fields. So, it is rather a problem with inputs not beeing parsed correctly. We have copied our mean values and geometric standard deviations from an excel sheet into the "geometric standard deviation" field. This probably doesn't work always as expected. We will investigate this further.

    With a fixed flow dataset, where all "_value" fields match the "_formula" fields, the SD95%-field is filled correctly in the exported ecospold file.
    The "Mean value" field in the exported file is filled with the correct absolute values. All Inputs are multiplied by "-1" and therefore have a negative sign. They should be positive. For Outputs, the value is correct.

    As a conclusion: The Bug description should be changed or the Bug closed and a new one opened. The only bug in the ecospold export is the negative values in the "mean value" field of inputs.
    We will try to find out more about the problem with the database inconsistencies and coming back when we know more about it.


    Last edit: Daniel Savi 2013-01-23
  • msrocka

    msrocka - 2013-02-15
    • summary: Ecospold export not working with lognormal distribution --> EcoSpold 01 export: negative values in the "mean value" field of inputs
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • msrocka

    msrocka - 2013-02-15

    I changed the short description of this bug. The issue with the negative values is fixed now and will be available in the 1.3.0 release.


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