David Bouchard - 2002-04-11


I've been trying OpenJNLP for a while and I think it's great but I still have problems :

I'm using a G4 400 Desktop (ram=384Mb) and a Titanium 550 (ram=512Mb) and OpenJNLP O.4 version (jdk 1.1.8)

We have developped a java application (jdk 1.1.8 as it should work on both os 9 and os X). It works fine outside of OpenJNLP but I have problem running it with OpenJNLP :

On os 9 and os X, OpenJNLP's client runs fine, reads my remote '.jnlp' file and the application is displayed but :

- os 9 displays the following error message when I click the 'Run' button : the main class 'org/nanode/app/OpenJNLP' could not be found. The strange thing about it is that the class 'org/nanode/app/OpenJNLP' is the main class and from what I understand, the client could not work if this class is not found !

- os W runs the application but it always hangs at some point without any error message. This time, the strange thing is that the application never hangs at the same point...

Have you faced those problems ?
Do you plan to release a new version working on java 1.1 ?

Great work anyway !