Anonymous - 2010-12-22

Hi all. I know a number of post have been made on this topic, but I wanted to summarize where all edits need to be made to get a new section working. This is based off of OpenIT 3.0.1. This is only to the file level, but you should be able to spot the required changes.

[ ] ADD:  <section>
[ ] EDIT: inc/schema/openit.ini (see below)
[ ] EDIT: inc/schema/openit.links.ini
[ ] ADD:  inc/classes/<section>.php
[ ] ADD:  modules/<section>/edit.php
[ ] EDIT: inc/common.php (3 changes)
[ ] EDIT: inc/header.php
[ ] EDIT: inc/auth.php
[ ] EDIT: inc/en-US.php
[ ] EDIT: inc/lang/en-US.php
[ ] EDIT: inc/settings.ini (<section>IDFormat)
*-- Schema Numbers --*
Integer   =   1  (Values do not require quotation marks)
String    =   2  (Values require quotation marks)
Date      =   4
Time      =   8
Boolean   =  16
Long Text =  32
Blob      =  64
Not Null  = 128  (Ex: A String that cannot be null = 130)
Timestamp = 256  (Ignored by update/insert)