
help with common.list.php

  • uoah

    uoah - 2006-02-28

    When you add columns and then press button "change layout" these are added correctly, but when you click the title of the column to order the list by that field, the added ones dissappear and those of by defect remain.

    In the demo of the page says this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: update() in /home/groups/o/op/openit/htdocs/OpenIT/inc/common.list.php on line 356

    • 50watt

      50watt - 2006-02-28

      Dear uoah,

      with OpenIT 2.2-beta2 this is working here. There were some changes in common.list.php for OpenIT 2.2-beta2
      Which version of OpenIT do you use?

      Best regards

    • uoah

      uoah - 2006-03-01

      Hi Dieter, thanks for your reply, I have OpenIT 2.2-beta1 and beta2 in the same server ( in different folders ) but beta2 doesn't work either. I think that common.list.php doesn't store correctly in a variable the selected fields but I can't find a error.


    • uoah

      uoah - 2006-03-01

      Hi Dieter, thanks for your reply, I have OpenIT 2.2-beta1 and beta2 in the same server ( in different folders ) but beta2 doesn't work either. I think that common.list.php doesn't store correctly in a variable the selected fields but I can't find a error.


    • 50watt

      50watt - 2006-03-01

      Dear uoah,

      I just saw that the changes in common.list.php are from 2006-02-21 so they are not in OpenIT-beta2 (released on 2006-02-09) but only in cvs.
      Maybe you want to give the cvs version a try (or wait for the next release)?

      Best regards

    • uoah

      uoah - 2006-03-02

      Dear Dieter,

      I've downloaded the latest versions of inc/common.list.php and index.php of CVS Repository and I've seen the changes in the file where I thought it fails, but when I upload to server, the list continues failing.



    • 50watt

      50watt - 2006-03-02

      Dear uoah,

      sorry that I can't help you.
      Here with OpenIT checked out from cvs on 2006-02-22 (and installed via tools/setup.php) IIS 5 and php5 sorting/adding columns to computers and peripherals is working.

      Best regards

    • uoah

      uoah - 2006-03-02

      Dear dieter, thanks for all, and I try with php5 ( now I have installed 4.41 ) and other kind of tests.

      Best regards


    • Aaron C

      Aaron C - 2006-03-02

      Sorry I haven't chimed in earlier, but its been crazy in the office. I have been following the thread though and Dieter was asking a lot of the questions I would have asked anyway. Since I am the one originally responsible for the file I did some digging into the latest cvs copy. If you are comfortable editing a file, I've got a line you could drop in that should give us a better idea of whats going on. Open inc/common.list.php and insert the following above line 377 (which should be $currentUser->update()):

      You can either email that output to me via or you can post it on this thread, but make sure to strip out any username/password information that may be in it.

      It sounds like $currentUser which gets created in settings.php is not loading correctly, even though  the session flags are set indicating someone is logged in. Right off hand I can't think of anything immediatly likely to do that but I've got a few vague ideas floating around.


    • uoah

      uoah - 2006-03-03

      Thanks a lot for your thread aaron,I've modified common.list.php inserting var_dump($currentUser); and the value of this is NULL. Now, I'm sure that fails session flags because then I've logged in with other user ( not Administrator, default ) and it runs ok, but with the other user, $currentUser's value is NULL too.



    • uoah

      uoah - 2006-03-03

      I apologize for not having tried to valide with another user before, because I'm thought that the problem was in the generation of the list.


      • Aaron C

        Aaron C - 2006-03-03

        Not a problem, I think I've got a solution though, and it goes back to an error that I think Dieter pointed out in the last week. Go into your database and look at the employees table. The admin user's employee id is almost certainly set to zero. If so, then go to the _sequences table and find the sequence value for the Employees table (and while you are there, edit that row and add one to it). Go back to employees and set the admin user's employee ID equal to the original sequence number plus one.

        • Aaron C

          Aaron C - 2006-03-03

          Michael just fixed the basic bug that this is illustrating in cvs.


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