
OpenI and RDBMS Reporting

  • Geoffo

    Geoffo - 2010-01-06

    I am a newbie here as we are looking for a good open source reporting package.  I have read through all of the documentation, played with the online demo and even downloaded and installed the quickstart demo locally.  But I still can't get an answer to one of my most basic questions, which is….Can OpenI be used to create reports directly against an RDBMS (such as MYSql) using standard SQL, or does OpenI  require reports to be created against an OLAP Server Cube?  The documentation appears to hint at being able to generate reports against OLAP and RDBMS systems, and there is an example in the demo of a "Customer List" report in the "RDBMS" section (it's not clear if this is against a cube or not), but I have not been able to see how to create a report directly against an RDBMS system without requiring an OLAP Server and Cube.

  • Dipendra Pokhrel

    You can publish RDBMS report in OpenI :
    * Create JasperReport file i,e jrxml file (for e.g using iReports)
    * Upload this file to OpenI
    * Configure JDBC datasource against your target RDBMS

  • Geoffo

    Geoffo - 2010-01-07

    Great….thanks for the reply…I will give this a try

  • Ashish Jain

    Ashish Jain - 2012-06-05

    thats ok what how we can customized or how we can see chart and graphs..

    Ashish jain


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