
#10 RMIIO-http

rmiio (1)

Following the forum proposal, here is a sample code to demonstrate how to integrate rmiio over http with spring httpInvoker.
The code is composed of :
* an API with is the Java contract common between the client application and the server application
* a client application : a simple Test case that invokes a download and an upload
* a server application (a web app) : a server implementation that exposes download and upload facilities for rmiio.

It should be interesting if it was reviewed and included in the documentation of rmiio. And perhaps some of the classes of the server side implementation could be integrated directly in rmiio binary API.


  • Nicolas

    Nicolas - 2012-05-16

    the sample code.

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-05-20

    very cool, thank you. will try to get this integrated when i have some free time (unfortunately in short supply these days).

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-05-25

    Very clean code, thank you. Your code does not contain any license info. I presume it is okay if i add the LGPL headers used in the rest of the project?

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2012-05-25

    Also, to run the unit test, do i need to run a web server separately w/ the server war? (the unit test doesn't start a test server?)

  • Nicolas

    Nicolas - 2012-05-28

    Yes, you can add the license info to the code and also rewrite part of it if you want.

    For the test, the war server should be deployed on a tomcat or another servlet container before launching the test in order to make it work.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2013-02-11

      We would like to use your code in one of our projects. Can we put it under the LGPL and use it as well? Seems to take some more time until it get's included in RMIIO.

  • Ruedi Steinmann

    Ruedi Steinmann - 2013-02-11

    We would like to use your code in our project. Since it seems to take some more time until it is integrated into RMIIO, can we put it under the LGPL ourselves and use it? (naming you as author of course)

  • Nicolas

    Nicolas - 2013-02-17

    Yes, can put it under LGPL and use it in your project.

    It's great seeing this feature is useful to others.

  • Ruedi Steinmann

    Ruedi Steinmann - 2013-02-18

    Thanks a lot. I've placed the code at . Cheers


    Last edit: Ruedi Steinmann 2013-02-18
  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2013-08-16
    • Group: rmiio-2.0.2 --> Unassigned

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