
Gmsh converter to Paraview

  • Julien Commanay

    Julien Commanay - 2008-11-08

    Dear all,

    Does someone know how to convert *.pos files generated by OpenFVM into file formats that can be read by Paraview ? Is it possible to produce directly other file formats than *.pos when using OpenFVM ?

    Thanks in advance.

    • x-flow

      x-flow - 2008-11-08

      No, at the moment OpenFVM uses only Gmsh for pre- and post- processing.

      • Julien Commanay

        Julien Commanay - 2008-11-09

        Thanks a lot for the information. I guess I need to learn how to use gmsh for post-processing purposes.


    • x-flow

      x-flow - 2008-11-11


      Gmsh is very good for both generating the mesh and viewing the results. Look at the examples included with OpenFVM for tips on how to perform post-processing. You can build your own scripts to control the post-processing views.


  • shirazbj

    shirazbj - 2010-10-22

    GMSH is good, but sometimes just PO file is too big, it takes my old PC ages to load in and the hard disk spin madly.
    I wrote a sub which can generate VTK files for each time step (if needed).  It finally working now.  A simple but very good reference for VTK file format is here:
    It's an old VTK format, not the new xml based. It's very easy to animate with all the time step file in VisIt 2.1.  I have tried the DAM example.
    If anyone interested, drop me a line at shirazbj at, I can email it to you.


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