Deepak Naithani - 2015-05-28


I'm trying to recompile open-flash-chart after editing some code in it and I'm not able to do so. I'm using FlashDevelop as IDE to create swf file of my edited code. Version of ofc is 1.9.7.

Procedure I have followed is explained below :-
1] I have unzipped the
2] After that I have created ActionScript 2 project in FlashDevelop IDE and included all the .as file(which is inside ActionScript folder of extracted file).
3] I have included open-flash-chart.fla as library asset inside my project.

Since there is no main function inside this .as files, I'm not able to understand from where to start. I am not able to produce .swf file from FlashDevelop. I'm very new to ActionScript programming language(familiarity with java and javascript is helping me a lot over) but not able to create environment how to run this ofc project. I'm able to create demo project which contains Main function inside it.

I am very thankful for providing such a great charting library and any help from your end will be very much appreciated.

For references I have followed this link, but there is no solution for this problem.

Thanks again...