
#122 Apostrophe not escaped

OpenEMM 6.1 (5)

Just like the closed tracker 3059538; i get a blank page after importing recipients through csv. Attached CSV won't work.


  • Martin Aschoff

    Martin Aschoff - 2010-11-24

    Do you use OpenEMM 6.1? Please attach a sample file that does not work.

  • Martin Aschoff

    Martin Aschoff - 2010-11-24
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • labels: --> OpenEMM 6.1
    • milestone: --> OpenEMM
    • status: open --> pending
  • Martiin de Wit

    Martiin de Wit - 2010-11-24
    • status: pending --> open
  • Martiin de Wit

    Martiin de Wit - 2010-11-24

    what extra info could be usefull?

  • Martiin de Wit

    Martiin de Wit - 2010-11-24

    OpenEMM 6.1. File is private but i can send it to someone if needed; i just can't publish it.

  • Martin Aschoff

    Martin Aschoff - 2010-11-24

    Please send the file to maschoff AT agnitas DOT org. Thanks!

  • Martiin de Wit

    Martiin de Wit - 2010-11-24


  • Martin Aschoff

    Martin Aschoff - 2010-11-25

    I found two problems in the CSV file:
    1. It contains no head line with names for the columns (needed to map import file columns to database columns)
    2. The second last field contains hard returns which make the CSV parser think that a new record has started

  • Martin Aschoff

    Martin Aschoff - 2010-11-25
    • status: open --> closed-rejected

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