
how to connect program N with Opencyc

  • MGonzalez

    MGonzalez - 2005-11-15

    I have downloaded both program N and OpenCyc and they both work ok indepedently.  Now, how do I make the connection from program N? What files are to be modified.  I am a newbie so any help,links or anything will be extremely helpful. 
    thanks in advance for your time

    • Dmitri Pissarenko

      Hello, MGonzalez!

      I don't quite understand what you mean by "program N".

      I assume that you have some arbitrary Java program and now want to access OpenCyc from that program.

      If so, you will find samples of how to do that on the following URLs:

      Hope this helps.

      Best regards

      Dmitri Pissarenko

    • MGonzalez

      MGonzalez - 2005-11-16

      ok by program N I mean AIMLPAD.  I saw that in the cofiguration window you could set up Cyc and AIML to connect via Cyc's web server.  Everytime I try to do a Cyc query in AIMLPAD, AIMLPAD crashes and I need to download and reinstall AIMLPAD.  Is there a way to test the connection from AIML to Cyc or I have to make a separate files for queries.
      Thanks in advance

    • nanoguy

      nanoguy - 2006-05-09

      I also been trying to get the XP version of openCyc to respond to telnet on port 3601, but it doesn't seem to what to connect.  I think that is what is crashing aimlpad.  Maybe it should catch that the telnet connection failed and at least not crash or even better give a message about the problem.

      I have even tried to telnet to which is demo system and it also does not connect.

      I would rather not have to change my operating system to get this to work.  My kids would freak out if itunes was gone.

    • nanoguy

      nanoguy - 2006-05-11

      I downloaded the newer 0.9.5 version on to my Win 2k based computer.  Now I can get aimlPad also running on the win 2k machine to comunicate.

      If I try to access the same win 2k opencyc server from aimlPad running on the XP machine, it fails.

      I can telnet to the win 2k server.  So I guess there is a problem with tcp on XP for both opencyc and aimlPad.

      I also installed the newer opencyc 0.9.5 on my XP server, but I can not telnet to it.

    • nanoguy

      nanoguy - 2006-05-15

      I finally got it all working, except there is a problem with Cyn when it passes a string to API.
      It seems to be adding an extra leading space character preceding the actual string.  This is causing opencyc not to recognize it at a legal constant name.

      So I can use Cyn to access existing KB data, but can't create any new constants using the aiml tags.

      I was hoping to use Cyn as a easier way of adding data to the KB, but this problem is a show stopper, for now.

      In the meantime I have found some reference on using the KE Text (Compose) interface for creating new data and will have to rely on it for now.


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