
Accessing Microtheory from java

  • Jagga

    Jagga - 2004-08-03

    Hi, I have written a microtheory, and now I want to use this Mt in my java project. Is there any step by step guide or tutorial with an explaination how to do it?

    I am thinking of trying to make a CycAccess object as first step and then make a CycConnection over the CycAccess object, and then will try to use the microtheory.

    If I am wrong, then please point out.

    Thanks in advance for any kind of help.


    • John De Oliveira

      That sounds right so far. When you create a CycAccess object, it creates a CycConnection object as an attribute during its initialization. So all you should need to worry about is the CycAccess object. I may be wrong, because I mainly work in Python. But I think that's all you need. Then you can use CycAccess methods such as converse, askWithVariable and askWithVariables.


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