
Windows bugs: update

  • John De Oliveira

    I only got contacted by two people, both with the problem where they get a 'CYC(1):' prompt but can't get a KB Browser to show up when entering the URL (or any variation they could think of). At least one of these computers isn't treating localhost as a reference to the local machine. It is responding that it can't find No answers yet for this problem. I'm going to try to give these people their own new code build next week, just to see if anything different happens.

    I didn't get contacted by the people for whom run-cyc was failing before getting to the 'CYC(1):' prompt. One of those people mentioned running on a machine with 256 meg of RAM. It is now the opinion around here that 256 meg is probably insufficient and may cause undesirable results. We're upping our recommendation to 512 MB.

    • PuusseePuuss

      PuusseePuuss - 2005-03-18

      Hi John,

      I'm afraid you will have to up your recommendation to 513MB of RAM...

      I had similar problems as those adressed in the second paragraph on a Win 2000 box (correct me if I#m wrong, that OS should be ok?) with 256MB, also on an XP box with 256MB. After seeing your recvommendation, I've tried on a machine running Win2000 with 512MB. I experienced the same problem.

      It seems it has to do with latest.bin in the bin directory (I can't be sure) not behaving.

      I#m on the lookout for further updates.
      Thanks, pierre

    • PeSt

      PeSt - 2005-03-19


      I'm the next one with the problem before 'CYC(1)'. I'm using Windows XP professional with 1GB RAM.

      Greetings, Peter


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