
#20 “Tautology” answers considered harmful


Category: Inference engine

Last query in BaseKB :
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
(isa ?INST ?BCOL)))
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
(isa ?INST ?BCOL))))
Query reduced to True (a tautology).

Fine, but
Last query in BaseKB :
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
(isa ?INST ?BCOL)))
(isa ?INST ?ACOL)
(isa ?INST ?BCOL)))
Query reduced to True (a tautology).
Last query in BaseKB :
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
(isa ?INST ?BCOL)))
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
Query reduced to True (a tautology).

I.e. the inference engine is not sound.


Last query in BaseKB :
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
(isa ?INST ?BCOL))
(isa ?ACOL Collection)
(isa ?BCOL Collection))
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
Query halted because : Search space was exhausted.
Query was not proven

Last query in BaseKB :
(isa ?X ?COL)
(isa ?COL Collection))
Query halted because : Search space was exhausted.
Query was proven True [Explain]

Last query in BaseKB :
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
(isa ?INST ?BCOL))
(isa ?ACOL Collection)
(isa ?BCOL Collection))
(isa ?INST ?ACOL))
(isa ?INST ?BCOL))))
Query halted because : Search space was exhausted.
Query was proven True [Explain]


  • Dietrich H. Fischer

    Logged In: YES

    The above example suggests to us that with enough
    redundant premises we can get rid of true or false tautology
    answers, but the following are counterexamples:

    Last query in BaseKB :
    (termOfUnit ?NOTCOL
    (CollectionDifferenceFn Thing ?COL))
    (isa ?X ?COL))
    (isa ?X ?NOTCOL)))
    Query reduced to True (a tautology).

    Last query in BaseKB :
    (termOfUnit ?NOTCOL
    (CollectionDifferenceFn Thing ?COL))
    (isa ?X ?COL)
    (isa ?COL Collection)
    (isa ?X Thing)
    (isa ?NOTCOL Collection))
    (isa ?X ?NOTCOL))
    Query reduced to True (a tautology).

  • Casey McGinnis

    Casey McGinnis - 2005-02-10

    Logged In: YES

    Sometimes a conditional query is deemed a tautology because
    its antecedent is not WFF in the query Mt, and therefore (as
    I understand it) the antecedent is treated as contradictory,
    and hence the query is considered tautological. (I'm not
    saying that makes sense, but I think that's how it currently
    works...) You may want to check for that.

    On the other hand, I and others have encountered many cases
    where the antecedent is well-formed and the query is still
    deemed a tautology. I am not sure of the cause. This is a
    known (and, to me, particularly annoying) bug that will (I
    hope) be fixed in the near future.


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