
OCB (Open CPU Benchmark) / News: Recent posts

New Release

Here another release after many problems...:)

Posted by alex 2006-04-12


No, this project is not frozen.
I'm just preparing the new BIG release of the software, so just stick up making new result until i have enough time to complete the new big version. (school is a thief. XD)

Some spoiler about the new version :
1) A new benchmark set
2) A new score calculation method
3) Some bug-fixing
4) A better user Interface

Stay tuned. ;)

Posted by alex 2006-01-19

Third Release (B)

In this B release i've fixed some bugs and added the Hall of Fame. So i posted only the executable, the source is pratically the same...:)

Posted by alex 2006-01-08

Third Release

Here we are with the third release. This is the changelog :
1) Corrected the Dual Core/HT Bug
2) Added the last result page
3) Added the Send result to the Author
4) Added the Update Codebase button
5) Added the Do All Test Button
6) Some Bugfixing
7) Divided the test in Single Process and Multi Process

Posted by alex 2006-01-07

Dual Core BUG

The second version of the software had a bug on the dual core/Hyperthreading management that may lead to erroneous results.
The bug is now fixed and the new release is coming underway.
I hope for a afternoon release. ;)

Posted by alex 2006-01-07

Second Release

Well well, second day, second release. In this release, we have inserted the support for Dual/Multi Core processor. :)

Posted by alex 2006-01-06

Next Release? Soon...

Well, the next release of OCB is underway.
The new update planned are :

1) Base support for dual/multi core
2) Some bug fixing
3) A more big and powerful compare base.

So stay tuned, we are coming ;)

Posted by alex 2006-01-06

First release

Hello to all.
This is my first news and my first release (Build 0171) of this new Fully Open Source Benchmark.
Please try it and tell me your impression about it. ;)

Posted by alex 2006-01-05