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Welcome to the OpenCMISS Project Wiki

OpenCMISS (Open Continuum Mechanics, Imaging, Signal processing and System identification) is a mathematical modelling environment that enables the application of finite element analysis techniques to a variety of complex bioengineering problems. The project represents a complete rewrite and overhaul of the existing CMISS computational modelling tool to take advantage of modern programming languages, data structures, and today's range of available high performance hardware. This significant re-engineering effort represents a complete upgrade in functionality and modelling capability, particularly in terms of increased ability to optimise simulation performance on high performance, and in particular distributed, architectures.

OpenCMISS is an object based, modular, extendible, portable, open-source, publicly available code. It has been developed as a library of routines with bindings for Fortran and C. OpenCMISS-cm is the computational back-end component, written in Fortran95, with distributed memory parallelisation, enabling the code to be run both in serial and parallel. cmgui is used for visualisation of models and simulation results. OpenCMISS is a code that is part of the Physiome Project.

Currently in OpenCMISS large deformation solid mechanics and 3D fluid mechanics (Navier-Stokes and Darcy) have been implemented to enable detailed analysis of pump function of the heart, and analysis of the supply of coronary blood flow. Most recently this functionality has been complemented with the addition of surface coupling of solid mechanics to the fluid mechanics allowing multi-physics simulations to be performed. This has been further complemented with the introduction of reaction diffusion solvers to simulate electrical activation in the form of monodomain physics. The introduction of these functionalities further increases the biophysical detail and the scientific application of large-scale multi-physics simulations.


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