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This version has events for the AudioSource class. I do a predictive polling so that amount of CPU taken up by the polling is next to nothing. It’s unlikely it has to poll more then once to find the stopped event. Also if you don’t register to the stopped event then no polling will take place.

I’ve changed the disposal patterns and added a few more classes. Check the release notes and event log for more Info.

Posted by BioSlayer 2007-01-09

Obtained Project.

I just obtained this project. And will be putting the code online soon. As the description says it will be using Tao.OpenAL to interface with the C library. As a result it should be very stable and portable. Currently the code wraps all the features that I am able to comprehend. Mainly Source, Buffer, Device, Context and Capture Device. The extensions will require more research. I will be looking for input in order to improve the project so that it will easy to use and understand.

Posted by BioSlayer 2006-11-26