
XSupplicant 2.0

The Open1X group is pleased to announce the release of the 2.0.0
version. The 2.0.0 release marks the point that we have frozen the
development on this branch and find it stable for our use. All new
development will now be taking place on the next release with is code
named "SeaMonkey". We do expect to release additional versions of 2.0,
but they will only be bug fix releases, there will be no additional
functionality added to 2.0.

That said, there were a couple of new features added between the 1.9.8
release and the 2.0 release. They were generally small additions that
addressed usability and clarity issues. Some of these additions include
a plug-in that can be used to gather data to help us solve problems that
people may have. By right-clicking the tray icon, you can new select
"Create Trouble Ticket". This will create a zip file that contains
information that you should attach to any bugs that get filed. Another
addition is the ability to import trusted root certificates in to the
proper certificate store, and some fixes to how certificate chains are
handled. We have also added a significant number of wireless utilities
that we are able to detect and help users disable.

Because the work in this development cycle has been focused on getting a
working version for Windows, we suggest that Linux users continue to use
the 1.2.8 version. However, Linux users should also be aware that
getting the Linux version caught up with the changes that were added to
Windows is at the top of our priority list. Once we have something that
is working for us, we will start to put out development releases again.

Posted by Terry Simons 2007-12-15

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