David Wu - 2003-06-27

Hi all, I'm new to the project- thanks Alban for adding me. Just browsing through some of the source (I haven't had luck setting up CVS just yet so I'm using the distro on the website). Was wondering if it would make sense to optimize the object culling algorithm a bit. Right now it looks like there's a sphere/plane test for each plane of the view frustrum for each oct tree.

We can optimize this a little bit by using a sphere sphere test first around the frustrum and the octree in question. This is a really simple calculation of the (distance between center points)^2 and (radius1 + radius2)^2.

We can then further optimize by doing a sphere/cone intersection test (with cone around the view frustrum).

Here's a link what I've read in the past-
<a href="http://www.flipcode.com/articles/article_frustumculling.shtml">Flipcode - Frustrum culling article</a>

Of course if I have no idea about what I'm talking about or this is already all in there and I can't read my java, feel free to let me know ;)
