
X3P_license_FAQ Log in to Edit

license (1)
Dr. Schorsch

How about using x3p-Library in commercial software?

The ISO5436-2 XML uses the xsd-runtime library by CodeSynthesys. This library seems to be under the GPL. Is it however allowed to use it in proprietary software?


Here comes a statement from Georg Wiora, Head of openGPS consortium:

I am not a lawyer but the short answer should be: "Yes you can use it."

Here are the details:

CodeSynthesis did put the runtime library under the GPL.
That would in fact mean that our ISO5436-2XML library has to be under GPL (it is under LGPL) and that all software using this library has to be under GPL too. Luckily CodeSynthesis has defined the FLOSS-Exception:

In section 1a they specify the following example:

You created a program that uses the xsd generated code and the xsd runtime library to access information in XML instance documents. Your program performs useful computations based on this information (sections 2.b and 2.c are satisfied). You distribute your program, including the xsd generated code and the xsd runtime library under the BSD license and make it available at no charge to all third parties (section 2.a is satisfied). Later you (or someone else) may choose to base their proprietary application on your code since the BSD license does not prohibit it.

This scenario falls under this FLOSS Exception.

This is very similar to our case, since the LGPL we are using is compatible to the license list specified in section 3 of this document.

Furthermore we are fulfilling all conditions in section 2.
To sum it up: In my opinion this means that you are allowed to use the ISO5436-2 XML data format library including the xsd-runtime library in your proprietary software.

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)

--Dr. Schorsch 12:58, 16 June 2011 (UTC)


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