
#579 Send Rexx dialog control object to event handling methods.

ooDialog (102)

In ooDialog, almost all connected events are connected to event notifications sent from a dialog control.

In the original IBM implementation, one of the arguments sent to the event handler was the window handle of the dialog control. In C / C++ programming the window handle is important. But, it is not of much use for Rexx programmers.

It would be far more useful to send the Rexx dialog control object itself rather than the dialog control's window handle.

In addition, for many of the event notifications, the numeric value of the WPARAM argument to the window message is sent to the event handler. Often this contains the resource ID of the dialog control sending the message and the notification code. Which can be decoded by the Rexx programmer. Decoding these values is probably a foreign idea to most ooDialog programmers.

However, in all event notifications sent by a dialog control, the control ID and the notification code is available. It would be more user friendly for the ooDialog framework to decode these values and to always send them to the event handlers.

Since the type and order of the arguments sent to all existing event handlers is already documented, sending these args to event handlers where they are missing would require then to be added to the end of the existing argument list.


  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2014-01-21
    • status: accepted --> pending
    • Pending work items: code+doc+test --> complete
    • Milestone: ooDialog.4.2.3 --> ooDialog.4.2.4
  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2014-01-21

    Doc and testing is now complete.

  • Rony G. Flatscher

    • Status: pending --> closed


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