
ooRexx for Windows 98

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm trying install on Windows 98 (i know, i know). installation gets to "Installing ooRexx rxapi service and stops.

    any advice?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      If I've got this right, ooRexx programs can't be run by typing the name at a DOS prompt; you have to click on the icon.

    • Lee Peedin

      Lee Peedin - 2008-01-24

      You left the "run as service" box checked - Win98 doesn't support services. Try installing again and remove any check boxes that have to do with "service" - I've installed 3.2 on numerous Win98SE systems.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks lee

      it seemed to install, but running a simple app "say hello" gets "Bad command or file name". Have I missed a step or something?


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