
#774 raised condition trace back not displayed



I'm opening this so you could look at it when you get time. (You need to read this to the end to get the actual bug.)

The attached zip file has the program files to reproduce. There are a couple of ooDialog dialogs. To start, at the command line: rexx typingCalc.rex

Then at the first dialog, click the Ok button at the second dialog click the "Show All Records" button. At this point (under 4.0) things are hung and you have to kill the Rexx program.

The cause is relatively simple. I have a statement:

recListDlg~addData("Mark", "Miesfeld", "true")

where the addData() method has:

use strict arg fName, lName

So, a condition is raised, as it should be. The interpreter doesn't end because of the concurrency, there is another activity running (,the asynchronous message loop,) which is also expected.

In 4.0 the condition trace back is not being printed to the console window, (which makes debugging difficult.) In 3.2.0, the same program will print this to the console window the program is running in:

got list dlg
100 - use strict arg fName, lName
87 - recListDlg~addData("Mark", "Miesfeld", "true")
117 - self~ONSHOWALL(1047,984548)
117 - interpret("self~"msg)
Error 93 running E:\work.ooRexx\other\hung.bug\typingCalc.rex line 100: Incorrect call to method
Error 93.902: Too many arguments in invocation of method; 2 expected

I haven't got anywhere in trying to figure out why the trace back isn't printing and thought you could probably pinpoint the problem fairly easily.


  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2009-07-22

    ooDialog program showing bug

  • Rick McGuire

    Rick McGuire - 2009-07-22

    Committed revision 4978.

  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2010-02-19

    The fix for this item was in the 4.0.0 release.



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