
#219 "String" and "Uninit" methods missing from "Stream" docs


The Stream class according to its methods collection possesses the following methods that are not documented yet:

  • STRING (returns the name of the stream, i.e., the argument to the NEW/INIT method)

  • UNINIT (speculation: probably to clean up the stream's system resources)



  • David Ashley

    David Ashley - 2007-01-19

    Logged In: YES
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    These methods are documented as being inherited from the OBJECT class. See the list entitled "Methods Inherited from the Object Class" at the beginning of the Stream class documentation.

  • Rick McGuire

    Rick McGuire - 2007-01-19

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    If a class has its own implementation of a method (i.e., overrides the default), then it should be documented. This is particularly important for UNINIT(), which is NOT inherited from object.

  • Rony G. Flatscher

    Logged In: YES
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    as Rick mentioned "UNINIT" is not inherited by Object, and "STRING" is overriden by the stream class (like "INIT" which gets listed).

    Here's a "quickie" to list all methods of the .stream class in ooRexx 3.1.1 using rexxtry.rex:

    REXX-ooRexx_3.1(MT) 6.00 7 Dec 2006
    rexxtry.rex lets you interactively try REXX statements.
    Each string is executed when you hit Enter.
    Enter 'call tell' for a description of the features.
    Go on - try a few... Enter 'exit' to end.;do while s~available;say s~index~right(20)":" s~item; s~next;end
    LINEIN: a Method
    !C_STREAM_INIT: a Method
    SEEK: a Method
    LINES: a Method
    !QUERY_POSITION: a Method
    INIT: a Method
    CLOSE: a Method
    !QUERY_EXISTS: a Method
    ARRAYIN: a Method
    CHARIN: a Method
    POSITION: a Method
    !QUERY_SIZE: a Method
    STATE: a Method
    UNINIT: a Method
    DESCRIPTION: a Method
    SAY: a Method
    LINEOUT: a Method
    CHAROUT: a Method
    !HANDLE_SET: a Method
    STRING: a Method
    !STD_SET: a Method
    !QUERY_HANDLE: a Method
    FLUSH: a Method
    !QUERY_TIME: a Method
    CHARS: a Method
    QUALIFY: a Method
    ARRAYOUT: a Method
    MAKEARRAY: a Method
    SUPPLIER: a Method
    COMMAND: a Method
    OPEN: a Method
    QUERY: a Method
    ........................................... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT



  • Rony G. Flatscher

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES


    as Rick mentioned "UNINIT" is not inherited by Object, and "STRING" is overriden by the stream class (like "INIT" which gets listed).

    Here's a "quickie" to list all methods of the .stream class in ooRexx 3.1.1 using rexxtry.rex:

    REXX-ooRexx_3.1(MT) 6.00 7 Dec 2006
    rexxtry.rex lets you interactively try REXX statements.
    Each string is executed when you hit Enter.
    Enter 'call tell' for a description of the features.
    Go on - try a few... Enter 'exit' to end.;do while s~available;say s~index~right(20)":" s~item; s~next;end
    LINEIN: a Method
    !C_STREAM_INIT: a Method
    SEEK: a Method
    LINES: a Method
    !QUERY_POSITION: a Method
    INIT: a Method
    CLOSE: a Method
    !QUERY_EXISTS: a Method
    ARRAYIN: a Method
    CHARIN: a Method
    POSITION: a Method
    !QUERY_SIZE: a Method
    STATE: a Method
    UNINIT: a Method
    DESCRIPTION: a Method
    SAY: a Method
    LINEOUT: a Method
    CHAROUT: a Method
    !HANDLE_SET: a Method
    STRING: a Method
    !STD_SET: a Method
    !QUERY_HANDLE: a Method
    FLUSH: a Method
    !QUERY_TIME: a Method
    CHARS: a Method
    QUALIFY: a Method
    ARRAYOUT: a Method
    MAKEARRAY: a Method
    SUPPLIER: a Method
    COMMAND: a Method
    OPEN: a Method
    QUERY: a Method
    ........................................... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT



  • David Ashley

    David Ashley - 2007-01-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    This is going to take a bit of work to fix but I will get on it.

  • David Ashley

    David Ashley - 2007-04-15

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    Originator: NO

    Fixed in SVN revision 296.

    The UNINIT method does not need to be documented as it should NEVER be invoked by a user. This is the standard for the docs, just as the NEW method is also not documented.

    This update will appear in the final 3.1.2 release. It does not appear in the 3.1.2 RC2 release.

  • Rick McGuire

    Rick McGuire - 2007-04-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Actually, UNINIT should be documented. If somebody subclasses the stream class, and adds their own UNINIT method, they WILL need to directly invoke the superclass method to get the stream object to clean up properly.

  • David Ashley

    David Ashley - 2007-04-15

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    Originator: NO

    Addes the UNINIT metod documentation as well in SVN revision 297.

  • Rony G. Flatscher

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    There is also an UNINIT on the MutableBuffer class.


    Ad NEW: this class method is documented. (In addition all INIT methods document how to handle the arguments supplied with the NEW message to the class object.)

  • David Ashley

    David Ashley - 2007-04-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Fixed the MutableBuffer class UNINIT docs in SVN revision 299.



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