
#1080 RXAPI memory not released at end

APIs (66)

Version: ooRexx 4.1.1 (MT) 6.03 Rel 16-May-2012
Operating System: Windows 7, up-to-date
Test Program: THE 3.3RC1 Rel 10-July-2011
Cross-Reference: THE 3.3RC1 Bug Report 3535446


  • John Timmons

    John Timmons - 2012-06-16

    data points of memory size as shown by the Windows Task Manager

  • John Timmons

    John Timmons - 2012-06-16

    See Details above.
    Also see Attached File containing data points concerning RXAPI sizes.

  • Rick McGuire

    Rick McGuire - 2012-06-16

    You are going to need to be more specific as why you feel the memory is not being released and provide some steps for recreating this.

  • John Timmons

    John Timmons - 2012-06-18

    I have attached a file of data points taken from Resource Monitor I recorded by hand during an observation of multiple THE edit sessions. They seem to indicate that the Commit, Working Set, and Private memory allocations of RXAPI keep going up incrementally. The Shared memory seems to stay about the same. If this is normal for whatever reason, please let me know and we can forget the whole thing. In the meantime, I am pursuing how to get logged data out of Performance Monitor. Microsoft does not make it easy (by design, I'm sure), but the implications are that one can trap logged performance data. And I don't know at this point how to trap a dump out of RXAPI that would have any meaning to you, i.e., during or right after the crash. Again Microsoft is no help. If you know how, please let me know.


  • Rick McGuire

    Rick McGuire - 2012-06-29

    I've been able to recreate this memory leak using some of our API unit test programs, so taking THE out of the equation will make this simpler. The fix may be somewhat complicated and will likely require an extensive testing period, so I can't project how soon one might be available.

  • Rick McGuire

    Rick McGuire - 2012-06-29

    Committed revision 7975.

  • Rick McGuire

    Rick McGuire - 2015-03-15
    • Pending work items: --> none
    • Group: vX.X.X --> 5.0.0
  • Rony G. Flatscher

    • Status: pending --> closed


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