
Cannot open xls file with macros

  • firekat

    firekat - 2008-01-07

    I have 64 bit OxygenOffice installed on a Sidux Linux system.  I cannot open an xls file that has macros.  When I first tried I got a warning saying that the security system was not set to allow it.  I reset the level to medium to allow opening upon confirmation.  Now when I try to open with selecting either "Enable" or "Disable" Calc just hangs.  Previously in OpenOffice I was able to open it and edit the file I just did not have any macro support.  Right now I can't open it at all.

    Any help would greatly be appreciated.

    • Kami

      Kami - 2008-01-27

      Please wait for next release. For workaround you can disable VBA from extensions.


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