
#37 icons


Hi Jan.

I've finished with icons.


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  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Almost all commands from iMath menu have icons now. I've made two icon sets to use with different LO icon themes:
    1. default theme is suitable for any coloured theme (based on my favorite Faenza icon theme)
    2. sifr theme

    Both sets are in 16 and 26 px.

    First could you take a look at the screenshots? I've placed icons as I like, but they may be rearranged. Maybe it's better to group some of them into one button with a drop-down list. If you guess all iMath commands just looking on screenshots, we're on the right way. I've added several new icons I'd like to see on a toolbar:
    1. Stop_recalculation (useful if it takes too long with ITERATE() recalculation)
    2. Disable_auto_recalculation (if it's ON, then Automating recalculation is OFF)
    3. Formula (this is standard LO insert Formula button, but just on the iMath toolbar and with styled icon)

    Everything in the archive may be part of iMath under GPL license.

  • Jan Rheinlaender

    Great! The icons will make a huge difference in the look & feel of iMath!

    When I finish my current work on the internal formula structure, I will open a new beta branch where I will put all the changes that are not related to VCL. So we can continue to do intermediate releases while working on VCL.

    I will put the icons in the beta branch and work on some other feature requests before going on with VCL.


  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    VCL is the graphic library in LibreOffice.

    Since the 4.0 release LO had started replacing all dialogs and other GUI staff with GTK3 widgets. This doesn't actually means the full GTK3 features support, this only means that now LO can support GTK3 widgets to render user interface. So it's possible now to create well-sized dialogs in Glade UI designer instead of using ugly Basic dialog editor. For more technical info see this page.

    So we started to design new dialogs for iMath in Glade too. This is what we mean, when say "going on with VCL".


    Last edit: zeon_account_will_be_deleted 2015-10-01
  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Added icons for "Chart" and "Add series".
    Also made some minor improvements for several icons from previous archive, so use this one for the next release, please.

  • Jan Rheinlaender

    Great work on the icons!

    But it was a lot of trouble getting Office to display them. Also, it seems that only BMP is possible. So I converted the icons but some came out bad (black). Can you create the icons as BMP directly?

    Also, I don't think it is possible to have themes in extensions. The Addons.cxs XML schema doesn't have any fields for that.

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Hi, Jan.

    BMP is actually bad choise. Just because it doesn't support alpha-channel. That's why you see black borders. Also the background color is different in all OS's, so this is impossible to reach nice look without alpha-channel.

    I can attach any PNG image to any button in LibreOffice thru customizing toolbars. But iMath toolbar is unreachable for customizing at all (missed in the list). Maybe you could make iMath toolbar customizable somehow?

    Anyway, could you guide me how to find iMath toolbar settings in the the source package or in the .oxt file? Maybe I can do something with it.

    No theme support, than it's better use Default colour theme. I like it more ). Sifr theme was made only for compatibility.

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Hi, Jan.

    I've just seen you have created new commit about icons. There are .BMP icons only. But what is "working" configuration? Does it still require .BMP files?

    I've found another working config. Dmaths extension has PNG icons. You can download by this link. The PNG icons may be found in folder: dmathsaddon\OOoAHmath3D\OOoAHmath3D. I just know that it works, but I didn't discover how.

    • Jan Rheinlaender

      Hi Zeon,

      great the Dmaths extensions showed me how to include the PNG files. I uploaded an .oxt beta version so you can look at it.


      Last edit: Jan Rheinlaender 2015-10-12
      • zeon_account_will_be_deleted


        Something goes wrong during installation:

        loading component library <file: home="" galina="" .config="" libreoffice="" 4="" user="" uno_packages="" cache="" uno_packages="" lu9643obwf00.tmp_="" iMath-2.1.2beta1.oxt="" Linux_x86_64=""""> failed

        iMath doesn't work itself. But I can see icons on a toolbar and in menu. 16x16 icons look smooth, because 26x26 icons loaded and resised instead. That shouldn't be.

        Here is report from terminal:

        xsltParseStylesheetFile : cannot parse 
        I/O warning : failed to load external entity ""
        xsltParseStylesheetFile : cannot parse 

        Last edit: zeon_account_will_be_deleted 2015-10-12
  • Jan Rheinlaender

    Hi Zeon,

    for Linux you need a new version of the EQC library as well. I just uploaded it (1.4.15beta1). Otherwise use Windows, it has the EQC library included.

    I can't control which icons Office uses. I just defined them in the file as ImageSmallURL and ImageBigURL like the documentation says ...

    • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

      Ok, tested on windows, everything works, I see icons. But the size of icons is incorrect and icons are stretched and look blured.

      This is strange. LO doesn't take 16px image for small and 26px for big icons properly. But Dmaths icons look perfect (only 3d and 2d shapes toolbars, because other icons are BMP). At least I don't see such blur, as on iMath toolbar and menu.

      "iMathImage.xcu" file seems to be OK. There should be a way.

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Hi, Jan.

    I've looked closely to Dmaths icons. So the fact is that the Dmaths addon behave the same as iMath (this is actually LO behaviour and probably a bug). There are different 16px and 26px icons for every button, but LO always takes the 26px. When the LO toolbar is set to show small icons, I see stretched 26px->16px icon. The difference between two addons is that Dmaths stretched (26px->16px) icons look better, than iMath ones. The reason is that iMath icons are designed more precisely (many thin lines, accurate placing at pixel grid). So when stretched, iMath icons completely loose their accuracy and look blured.

    I've tested 2.1.2beta on OOO. I know, I doesn't work. However, OOO takes correct 16px icons for menu. Could you compile the beta2.1.2 version for OOO, please.

    • Jan Rheinlaender

      Hi zeon,

      I uploaded an AOO build

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted


    I can't see the iMath toolbar in OpenOffice. There are only small icons in the menu. Small icons are correct. But I have nothing to say about big icons.

    • Jan Rheinlaender

      Right, the iMathMenu.xcu file format has been changed with AOO 4.0 ...

      I uploaded a corrected version.

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Great! OpenOffice version of iMath has nice icons now. Big and small :)

    This is definitely LibreOffice bug.

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Hi, Jan.

    I've just installed few extensions on LO and AOO and I've figured out something.

    1. Only AOO can parse these strings correctly:
      <prop oor:name="ImageSmallURL" oor:type="xs:string">
      <prop oor:name="ImageBigURL" oor:type="xs:string">

    And in LO icons on iMath toolbar have wrong order too.

    1. Both LO and AOO pick correct 16x and 26x icons, if they are defined by this string:
      <prop oor:name="ImageIdentifier" oor:type="xs:string">

    Is it right that "ImageIdentifier" can only recognize .bmp pictures? If so, it's better to disable the iMath toolbar for LO version until they fix this bug. Also I don't know how to formulate the bugreport because I'm not a specialist in programming.

    I may propose a workaround. Since all iMath dialogs may be called by macros, any user may assign a button with icon to them thru standard LO customizing tool. But such settings are placed outside of the extension folder, e.g. in windows:

    So it's probably impossible to deliver the toolbar with correct icons with iMath extension for LO.

    Menu is OK in LO, if we remove 26x icons from archive and leave 16x icons only.

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Hi, Jan!

    There was a list of macros for opening almost all imath dialogs in one of previous versions of iMath2.1.x. I've made a toolbar in LO with icons and assigned macros, and it looks just as the imath toolbar in OpenOffice. But now some commands do not work in LO because some commands are missing. I've attached the list of macros from that previous version. Could you bring it back, please?

  • Jan Rheinlaender

    Hi zeon,

    which iMath version are you referring to where the toolbar is not working?

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted


  • Jan Rheinlaender

    Hi zeon,

    the openDialog.xba only ever existed in beta versions of iMath.

    That's why it is not in 2.1.2

    It will be in next release of iMath

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted


  • Jan Rheinlaender

    • status: open --> closed
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