
ONVIF Event Service

  • Maryam

    Maryam - 2013-08-06

    Dear all

    I 'm developing a C# program that uses ONVIF services for controlling IP cameras.
    I added the ONVIF Device Management service wsdl and ONVIF PTZ service wsdl as service references to my program. Now the PTZ Control and getting the Device Information are working fine.
    I would like use the Event Service using the same approach, but when I add the "" as a service reference to my program, I get this error:"The namespace myProg.serviceReference1 already contains a definition for 'CreatePullPoint' ". It seems that there is something wrong with the wsdl.
    Could anyone help me in this?

    Thanks in advance.

    • tttttttttt

      tttttttttt - 2014-02-27

      I'm also having same problem, anyone has any idea to resolve this?
      Adding as web reference also not works since WSE authantication is not supported with it.

      • Maden

        Maden - 2014-05-07


        I have the same problem! Please anybody solved that?
        Thanks in advance

  • Woody

    Woody - 2013-12-30

    I am having the same issue. Has anybody solved this?

  • Jorge

    Jorge - 2015-02-05

    Check the FAQ
    First point, "Why does compiling event.wsdl with Visual Studio fail?".

    Visual Studio 2008, 2010 and 2012 generate web services clients for the WCF framework with a tool called svcutil.exe. This tool has an issue by mapping port types to interfaces and complex types to classes. When an wsdl file contains a port type and complex type with same name this results in a name clash at compile time like "The namespace 'foo.Event' already contains a definition for 'CreatePullPoint' ".

    The ONVIFevent mechanism bases on OASIS Web Services Base Notification 1.3. As a result event.wsdl includes WS-Base-Notficiaton. This OASIS specification contains CreatePullPoint as port type and complex type which triggers the issue described above.

    As a workaround use a modified even.wsdl instead of standard event.wsdl for generating code. It refers to a modified ws base notification file. It is available via the following link (


    Last edit: Jorge 2015-02-05
    • Naor Farkash

      Naor Farkash - 2015-12-10

      This address from their FAQ & SERVICE doesn't compile either.
      I get this error while trying to compile from Visual Studio 2013:

      The HTML document does not contain Web service discovery information.
      Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ''.

      Any idea what is the problem?


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