Anonymous - 2011-09-09

Hi all,
I am the ultimate newbie.  I am a special education teacher with average tech skills.  I am currently hosting a WordPress blog using Go Daddy on my registered domain.  I would like to install Online Grades on this server and create a link on a page on my Wordpress blog to be accessible by student, parent, and admin.  I am using Gradekeeper to organize my grades and attendance. 

Can anyone give me directions on how to install this program onto my go Daddy hosting account, into Word Press? Also, are there any programs out there that will allow discipline referrals? I cannot find any programs which support discipline referrals.  There is nothing more powerful than being able to share with a parent a child's behavior daily, especially at the HS level.  My parents will check their email often, however, all they will see is grades and attendance.  Would it not be awesome to be able to see behavior as well?