
Install help

  • emery

    emery - 2011-10-18

    I get this on install, i am using free hosting and don't have all mysql rights, is there a way i can manuly add the tables ?

    Warning: file(docs/og_installer.sql) : failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/a7469820/public_html/onlinegrades/install.php on line 535

    Free Web Hosting

    PHP Error Message

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/a7469820/public_html/onlinegrades/install.php on line 538

    Free Web Hosting

    Failure ADMINS doesn't exist.
    Failure ATTEND doesn't exist.
    Failure CLASSNOTES doesn't exist.
    Failure CLIENTS doesn't exist.
    Failure COMMENTLIST doesn't exist.
    Failure CONFIG doesn't exist.
    Failure COURSEINFO doesn't exist.
    Failure EVENTLOG doesn't exist.
    Failure GMSCORES doesn't exist.
    Failure GROUPS doesn't exist.
    Failure PARENTS doesn't exist.
    Failure PARENT_STUDENT_CROSS doesn't exist.
    Failure PERSONAL doesn't exist.
    Failure PRIVNOTES doesn't exist.
    Failure SCHOOLS doesn't exist.

    Fatal errors detected. Please correct the above red items and reload.

  • Ahmed Hashim

    Ahmed Hashim - 2011-11-12

    Dear Sir

    I Have same problem, i tray to replace the install.php file you provide but no new results , plz i need your help.
    thank you

  • adex

    adex - 2012-01-13

    I have similar problem

    SQL query:


    `id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
    `client_id` varchar( 80 ) NOT NULL default '',
    `client_pw` varchar( 16 ) default NULL ,
    `client_school` varchar( 16 ) default NULL ,
    `client_expdate` date default '0000-00-00',
    `client_fullname` varchar( 50 ) default NULL ,
    `webinfo` mediumtext,
    `webinfodate` date default NULL ,
    `LastUpdate` timestamp( 14 ) NOT NULL ,
    `user_activation_key` varchar( 60 ) default NULL ,
    `user_email` varchar( 100 ) NOT NULL default '',

    MySQL said: 

    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL,
      `user_activation_key` varchar(60) default NULL,
      `user_email' at line 10

  • Sam

    Sam - 2012-04-10

    please, if somebody can help me install this script to my severs, iam willing to give em my cpanel details to help me with that, i have already uploaded the files to my sever.
    I will give few bucks to the installer.
    my private email is severua(AT)gmail(.)com

  • Costa

    Costa - 2013-03-20

    how do i install online grades on my Mac?i can't make head or tails of the online grades installer

  • Sam Snow

    Sam Snow - 2013-03-21

    Does a Mac have a web server, PHP, and MySQL server? I'm sorry, I don't know Macs well enough to be of any help.


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