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Here you can find onex²... A small movie information converter from XMM to NMJ.

NMJ (Networked Media Jukebox) is a built-in GUI for the Multimedia Player Syabas Popcorn Hour C200, capable of scanning connected shares and drives for video files and fetching information from

XMM (eXtreme Movie Manager) is a powerful movie and series collection manager. It is capable of scanning video files and fetching related information from many websites in different languages like IMDB, Amazon, themoviedb and many more...

In the end both tools can scan for video files and their attributes and get related information out of distinct websites.
So, why another tool?

  • NMJ is only scanning for English information
  • NMJ: Editing the movie information is very limited
  • XMM is not running on TV

I prefer to use XMM for getting the information and NMJ for displaying it. Because of this I developed onex².
Additionally the package contains a php5-based script. Using this script you can display your movie collection on-line.
Screenshot of the carbon template Screenshot of the carbon template:details Screenshot of the carbon template: series details Screenshot of the std template

The main features of onex² are:

  • db conversion of XMM to NMJ (incl. movies, series, cover/fanart, etc.)
  • on-line presentation of the movie collection
  • NMJ collection management (clean up genres and categories)