
#5 Deploy One-JAR to Maven Central


I am developing a Gradle one-jar plugin, like the one for Maven, but cannot find the jar on Maven Central. I see that the Maven plugin has included the jar inside itself, but as I would like to make it possible to choose which version of One-JAR to use, I don't think including is a good solution.

Therefore, would it be possible to deploy the jar to Maven Central?

Stig Kleppe-Jørgensen


  • P. Simon Tuffs

    P. Simon Tuffs - 2011-11-30

    That sounds like a good idea. I did not develop or deploy the maven jar, I'd have to look into this. Alternatively if you have suggestions on the best way to do this, I'd be happy to have you upload the latest (0.97) jar to the maven repos, and collaborate with you as the jar is updated.

  • Stig Kleppe-Jorgensen

    Yes, I have some suggestions :-)

    In short, here is what is needed for deploying to Maven Central:
    - a pom.xml describing the project
    - 3 jars with classes, sources and javadocs
    - GPG signing of the jars and the pom.xml

    There is an Ant task available for doing this. The whole how-to is here:

    I would like to help out with setting up this. Though it might be best that you run the actual upload, so the signing is done with your GPG key.

    Another thing, have you thought about converting the repository to git? Makes collaboration quite a bit easier...

  • Stig Kleppe-Jorgensen

    I pushed a fork of the whole one-jar cvs module to GitHub ( as I have some changes I would like to work on.

    As these are based off of the version_0_9_6_RC5 tag and I would like to eventually get these merged into master, it seemed easier to convert the whole repo to git than working with cvs.

    By the way, as of right now, my changes are not pushed to GitHub yet, because they are not in a publishable state.

  • P. Simon Tuffs

    P. Simon Tuffs - 2011-12-09

    Thanks for pushing forward with this. I'm not thrilled with GIT, I have used various SCM tools starting with CVS, through Subversion and P4, and I think Subversion has the best fit with my mental model, and might be a better fit for me for One-Jar. My one experience with GIT (not extensive I'll admit) was basically, this is very powerful, unconstrained, confusing, and impossible to useI abandoned it. I'm willing to revisit this.

    Since One-Jar is on source-forge and I'd prefer to keep it that way, and as far as I know Source-forge is Subversion/CVS based, how can we get you the advantages of GIT without making it difficult for me?

  • Stig Kleppe-Jorgensen

    I understand your sentiments, git is absolutely not the easiest tool to get one's head around. I think it would be easier if one did not have any previous experience with a non-distributed VCS, like CVS/Subversion. As Joel Spolsky says, for Subversion users, a re-education is needed (see; this is Mercurial, but the concepts are the same).

    What I like best about it, is the ability to do many commits, revisit and maybe fix them (edit comment, edit/squash/remove commits), before sharing my work with others. Working locally is great: search code & logs, change between branches, etc. And something I don't think about this much anymore, not until I must work with CVS/Subversion: its speed. It is just amazing to see it clone a project faster than a single checkout would have taken in Subversion

    Sorry, got carried away there :-) I thought I had read that SourceForce had gotten git support, so I tried to create a project and add git. It worked:

    But of course, it is your decision. I can use something like git-svn to work with git locally and sync with a Subversion repository. One-JAR is still in CVS though, is it not? And you have a plan to convert it to Subversion?

  • Rick Mann

    Rick Mann - 2012-12-26

    I'd like to see the one-jar runtime support in the maven repo, too. Thanks!


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