
about Link between Gst Omx Sink and bellagio

Ram K
  • Ram K

    Ram K - 2008-12-04

    Hi all,

    I am working on a project to port GStreamer into embedded system. Mainly working on developing openMax plug in for my openMax component.
    For that i am taking gst-openmax- & libomxil-bellagio-0.9.1 as reference. I tested both on Linux platform. every thing is working fine.

    when debugging the same think with totem player application, i am unable to load ALSA SINK component from gst openmax layer.

    Like mp3 decoder component i am able to load and able to get the handle for that. same thing is not happening for Sink component case...

    Please any one help .....


    • Giulio Urlini

      Giulio Urlini - 2008-12-04

      Hi Siriam,
         did you try to run your plugins chain with playbin or other gst based application different from totem?
      Can you provide me more info about the sink status? It is not clear if you retrieve correctly the handle, or the omx sink is not loaded at all.


    • Ram K

      Ram K - 2008-12-04

      Hi Giulio,

      I am trying to run my plugins with totem player. for that i am downloaded the totem source packages suitable Ubuntu hardy.

      omx sink component not loading at all. i am getting sequence of calls (like changestate, padchain, outloop in gstomx_base_filter.c)for filter element only. not for the sink element.

      what i have do for loading bellagio sink component ?

      Thanks & Regards


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