
Sanket Vaidya

Om (pronounced as "Oh m") is a free command line tool for generating texts of different length & content. The data generated can be copied anywhere using Ctrl + v.

Why to use Om?

While generating text of fixed length it is a great trouble to count the no. of characters. The editors available today have solved this problem to a great extent. But still one has to enter the characters himself in the editor which is a quite troublesome when the length of the text is large (e.g 500).
Using Om user can generate different type of data simply by entering the length of the text i.e. count. e.g. One can generate a data having length equal to 100 by simply entering 100. The text generated can consist of different character types like uppercase, lowercase, numerical, others or any combination of the above four, simply by providing appropriate option. Moreover one can also generate data as per count randomly.

Who can use Om?

This tool can be used by Test Engineers to generate data consisting of different character types for their test application.
This tool can be used by developers to generate files of fixed size.
This tool can be used by anyone who needs to generate random data frequently.

For details about how this tool can be used by testers click here.

System Requirements

Windows 2000 & above (Win 7 Ultimate not supported)

Latest Version

I have recieved quite a few emails asking for the latest version of Om. So mentioning over here that 1.1 is the latest version of Om. Also note that version 1.0 is now discontinued.

Source code

Source code will be installed in the installation directory.

User Manual

User Manual is included in set-up & will be installed in the installation directory..


Navigate to Bugs page to view bugs.

Frequently asked Questions

Navigate to Frequently asked Questions page for frequently asked questions.

Apart from the user manual this article also nicely explains the tool

Used Om in an innovative way?

If yes, contact me about how you used om & I will put it on this website (along with your name). (Your email id will not be published).


Though Om got more success than my expectations (with more than 1100+ downloads - before I moved the tool to, it always gives a pleasure when someone appreciates the tool or even if someone criticizes tool, as criticism always helps you to get better. Pl. email your responses to me.

About Author

Sanket Vaidya is a Project Lead at BNP Paribas India Solutions.