
Omaemona 2ch/Linux / News: Recent posts

2chlfs-1.0.3 released!

This release is minor verup of 1.0.x.Changes are described in following URL.

Posted by Itn 2009-06-21

2chlfs- released

This is the little update version of 1.0.2 .
updated packages are openoffice,ochusha and linux-kernel.
added packages are xvkbd,tightvnc.

Posted by Itn 2008-10-25

2chlfs-1.0.2 released!

2chlfs-1.0.2 is stable release for 1.0.x.

update firefox-3.0.3 and linux-,
add extension link and dillo.
remove evilwm but installed ratpoison instead.

for more details,see Notes in this release.

Posted by Itn 2008-10-12

2chlfs- is released

This release is the small but important bug fix version.
Fixed bugs are "when /dev/fd* exist but not insert media,a lot of time spend till timeout",
"after loading modules,device node does not create in initramfs",
"evilwm cannot be execute".
LXDE is updated.

Posted by Itn 2008-04-27

2chlfs-1.0.1 released

2chlfs-1.0.1 is released,this release is mainly security updates,
but some features are added,that are...
:default WM is changed to Openbox,use with LXDE and blackbox is removed.
:extmod(kernel parameter) can recognize argument of module.
:use uvesafb instead of old vesafb.

if you want to see package list with version,
and md5sum is

Posted by Itn 2008-04-20

2chlfs-1.0.0 released

This is the first relaese of 1.0.x series.upgrades base system to LFS-6.3,but
some packages are newer than it.
version of base packages are linux-,gtk+-2.12.0,glib-2.14.1.xorg-7.3,
add LXDE suites,more device drivers and tools,for example,raid,iscsi,bluez,
nfs-utils including version 4 supported,wireless network cards.
add some gtk2 packages,gftp,comix,and epdfview.
now default X terminal is "sakura".
To see more packages list,go
add more boot options.especialy raid and iscsi options are added,but not stable.
xconf and fccache options are now default ON in CD boot.
To see details about boot options,go to the following URL.

Posted by Itn 2007-09-23

2chlfs-0.7.2 released

This is a stable release in 0.7.x.
some components like Firefox(,linux kernel(,,and some others are updated.
and from this version,XFCE(4.4.0) is default DE.

Posted by Itn 2007-04-05

2chlfs-0.7.1 released

this release is mainly bug fix,
but xfce and cups added.
and aufs is used instead of aufs

Posted by Itn 2006-10-30

2chlfs-0.7.0 is out!

This release is based on LFS-6.2 and add many features.

Posted by Itn 2006-10-10

2chlfs 0.6.4 is out

this release is bug fix and final release in 0.6.x series.
next release is , perhaps , 1.0.x

Posted by Itn 2006-08-21

bash-3.1-2ch-1 is released!

this is the patchset for bash-3.1 to enable 2ch functions

Posted by Itn 2006-08-06

2chlfs-0.6.3 is out

This version has some improvements.For example,
-NFS boot enabled(still in development)
-boot from non CD device(still in development)

Posted by Itn 2006-07-21

2chlfs-0.6.2 is out!

This is the bug fix release of 0.6.x .

Posted by Itn 2006-05-09

2chlfs-0.6.1 is out!

This version is build with xorg-7.0.
and installed JD

Posted by Itn 2006-04-19

2chlfs-0.6.0-light is out!

this is the first 0.6.x release without building X.

Posted by Itn 2006-01-08

2chlfs-0.5.5 out!

this is the final release for 0.5.x.

Posted by Itn 2005-11-29