
Open Kaillera / News: Recent posts


I'll be deadly honest. I haven't had much experience with sockets. To remedy the situation, I'm whipping up a single player server. I also like people to know that the project is active :)

Currently, it completes the initial handshake, but nothing more.

Please note that this will not be directly related to the final product.

Posted by Joel Muzzerall 2004-07-29

New Ownership

Hi. I'm Joel, sometimes known as Tseng.

James, the creator of the okai project, has been a little run down with other activities to continue development. Because of my interest in it, he has transfered ownership to me.


I know this has been said before, but if there are any suggestions, put them in the forum and I'll be sure to reply when I read them.

Also, if anybody is willing to lend a helping hand, let me know. I'll be giving priority to the server, since it's where most of the trivial security vulnerabilities in Kaillera are. So, if somebody has enough time and dedication to do the client in parallel, that would be fantastic.... read more

Posted by Joel Muzzerall 2004-07-27

OKai Site Launch

Fixed up the site a bit, integrating the provided SF services a bit more. If you have suggestions, hit the forums.

As for the project, most of the Kaillera protocol has been deciphered. Coding will begin soon.

There was some consideration about the technology to use. I considered Java because of its portability, but when I saw the 2.62 MB DLL, I regained some confidence in good ol' C.

Any thoughts on this?

Posted by James Costlow 2003-12-16