
building on linux

g zombi
  • g zombi

    g zombi - 2009-09-27

    How can I build ogre4j in linux ? I've checked out the code from but the only build script which i've found is in org.ogre4j/build.xml but it doesn't do anything.

  • g zombi

    g zombi - 2009-09-29

    Thanks, that wiki is carefully concealed :) There is no link from the site to the installation instructions.

  • Ogre Linux

    Ogre Linux - 2009-10-07

    I'm using eclipse to build ogre4j under linux
    right click the build.xml  -> Run As .. -> External tools configuration…

    in the target tab choose your target for example if you want to build the check

    in the jre of course you should mention a JDK not a JRE

    and in the Environment tab you should add the ANT\_HOME, OGRE\_HOME and OGRE\_MEMORY\_ALLOCATOR

    for example :

    OGRE\_MEMORY\_ALLOCATOR 2 // if you will use the ned allocator starting from ogre 1.6.2

    OGRE\_HOME /opt/ogre

    under /opt/ogre you should have lib directory and include directory

    at the end just click on Run

    Hope that will help you


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