
nice project, website kind of sucks

  • Tim Ringenbach

    Tim Ringenbach - 2008-04-29

    Don't take this the wrong way, I intend this as construction criticism. I had a somewhat frustratingly time getting the hello world application working.

    I was originally playing with jirr this weekend, but then it seemed like your project might be better (and at least has been updated more recently), so I decided to switch before really starting my project.

    The first frustration was your website. The only complaint with it is the lack of content. For example, you have ogre4j and an eclipse plugin, but you don't really mention the eclipse plugin on your website. I managed to dig up a little about it on the forums and on the release notes, but it was still hard even figuring out what the thing does. I installed it and I'm still not sure.

    My problem with the hello world app was also related to some missing details.
    The win32 download had a debug and a release orge4j .dll. So I copied the debug one to my project and added it to my classpath via the eclipse gui.

    I was sure I needed to download the ogre3d sdk to go with it. But which one? There's 3 or 4 different versions for windows, but I'm using eclipse and not any of the IDEs they're for...So I picked the mingw one. So I copied the debug .dlls over, but it didn't work. So I copied the release .dlls over and that didn't work. So then I deleted the dlls and installed the vt8 version and threw it's release dll's to the my project. Still no go. Would be great if java told me which dll was missing...
    So then I copied the release ogre4j.dll over the debug one, and I get a step forward. Then I copied the cake into my project and failed. Then I reread the docs and put them in ./media and now I have cake! I just beat Portal a couple weeks ago, so I was pleased.

    I was disturbed though that the sun jvm seemed to crash rather than throwing an exception when the cake mess wasn't present. What's up with that? I hope that isn't a sign of things to come.

    Anyway, it would be great if you would better document which version of the sdk one should use and things like that. Or even better, include a download that includes the .dlls and so's, etc. That would people could get up and running a lot quicker and with a lot less frustration.


    • Christoph Nenning

      Basic information on how to get things working is in the wiki:

      > which version of the sdk one should use
      That was missing, I have put it in the wiki.

      The eclipse plugin is only useful when you write own eclipse plugins using ogre4j.

      The ogre4j debug dll is only needed when you want to debug native code.

    • Tim Ringenbach

      Tim Ringenbach - 2008-04-29

      Thanks for the reply.
      Yeah, I saw both of those links and eventually got it working.


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