
#114 unknow error in merging


unknow error while merging.

1 Attachments


  • Olivier Rolland

    Olivier Rolland - 2014-05-30

    Can you please try with version 0.4 of the video copy plugin ?

  • NINO

    NINO - 2014-05-30

    Yes... But sorry, how can I do it?
    I've ogmrip v0.13 installed, I can't install 1.0 neither ogmrip_video_copy 4.0 because of libglib dependencies (I've 2.00). how can fix it? Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits. Thanks

  • Olivier Rolland

    Olivier Rolland - 2014-05-31

    Either you try to build it using the sources or you ask the package maintainer to update the plugin.

  • NINO

    NINO - 2014-05-31

    I tried... But it seems that I've to update my sys to >= 13_04 in order to obtain libglib2.0>=2.37... Also checking in apt and deb repositories :-( My last chance is to ask in ubuntu forums if is possible update ogmrip without upgrading ubuntu. Anyway thanks.

  • NINO

    NINO - 2014-06-05

    I've upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 and I've got OGMRIP 1.0 with video copy 0.4.
    Same error! Could be because the DVD is double layer? Is there any other option? Thanks.I add the new log.

  • greg bell

    greg bell - 2014-10-25

    Hi Olivier - is it just you on the team? You seem overwhelmed with issues for OGMRip... I'm wondering if the project should be merged with another since it doesn't seem possible to resolve bugs with OGMRip.

  • Olivier Rolland

    Olivier Rolland - 2014-10-25

    It's not that I'm overwhelmed. It's just that I don't spend too much time working on the 1.0 branch.

  • greg bell

    greg bell - 2014-10-25

    Ah, just seeing the unanswered and unresolved issues here. So the answer to most of these open issues is "please go use the git master branch"?

    Video encoding on Linux has been problematic since the beginning, so props to you for this work - there are only a few that function, and even fewer that don't crash...

  • Olivier Rolland

    Olivier Rolland - 2014-10-26

    A lot of issues should indeed have been fixed in git. I really would like to release a new version based on it but it still needs a lot of testing and some polish.


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