
[Slightly-OT] Fullscreen

  • ffelagund

    ffelagund - 2005-05-10

    Hello, I know that this question is slightly off topic, but it is related with this OpenGL | ES implementation (well, it is the  only that I've tested).
    I'm running EVC4, for PPC 2002+, and I'm having a lot of troubles switching back to normal mode after fullscreen mode. I've a test application that only creates  a fullscreen window and clears the background with (0,0,0,0). When I destroy the window (eglMakeCurrent(...), eglDestroyContext, eglDestroySurface, eglTerminate, SHFullScreen, DestroyWindow, UnregisterClass) the screen is not refreshed at all. It remains black until I click on the locations that are supposed to be system icons (clock, start, volume, etc) after the click, this portion of the screen is updated, but only this.
    Any help will be appreciated.


    • Hans-Martin Will

      Since Vincent is really just doing a BitBlt to move the image to the screen, this is indeed a rather generic question. I'd try reposting on Pocketmatrix.

      - HM

      • ffelagund

        ffelagund - 2005-05-11

        By the way, we are going to use extensively your OpenGL ES implementation. We've opened a game-dev line for PDA and SmartPhones (later, we will include more devices), and this is only possible thanks to your good work. (I won't forget include the license file anymore ;) )

        P.D: Be prepared for a constant feedback from TyphoonLabs  ;)


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