
ODKit v0.6 Released

ODKit is a set of tools to help database applications developers to handle database communication, reporting and printing. It has a solid, stable and easy to use API. It is also GUI toolkit agnostic and portable.

Current version of odkit includes the following packages:
* ODK-DA 0.6
* ODKprint 0.2

Release Highlights include:
* Integrated ODKcc and ODKoc in a single source package. [All]
* Converted odkValue to a class that wraps the values and dinamically converts it to any requiered (and supported) type (type casting) on the fly via operator overloading. So now it will be easyer to work with ODK-DA resultsets. [C++]
* Created a single resultset class to handle all data from diferent backends using advanced C++ features such as operator overloading. [C++]
* Code was reduced from 3917 to only 3415 lines of code even addeding new features, reused code where posible. [All]
* A ton of debuging was maded to sqlite backend, now it works properly (finally!). [C++]
* Fixed compilation scripts for new package style [All]

This new release is considered beta qulity, we went from alpha to beta in this release.

Note: New features will break compatability with all previous versions, but i don't think that will be a problem still.

Posted by Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Vlz. 2004-07-09

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