
Dynamic disks

  • ip-rob

    ip-rob - 2009-07-31

    I have a machine with two drives  which are both defined as dynamic disks.  There are two partitions, one that spans the two drives (data) and one that is only on one disk (system, boot partition).  The partitions did not show up properly in the UI.  That is, the disk layout had:

    Drive C: 20GB on Drive 0
    Drive E: 445GB on Drive 0 and drive 1 (spanned)

    ODIN showed E: twice, once as a 20GB partition and once as a 232GB partition (the size of the drive).

    ODIN did backup all the data on the E: drive when the partition was selected in the UI (I selected the 20GB listing).  Restore does not work, however, because it checks the size of the image versus the available space on the partition.  Since the size is reported incorrectly the restore cannot occur.

    It appears that dynamic disk partitions are not handled?


    • ip-rob

      ip-rob - 2009-07-31

      I was hoping that I could use the -force option to have it ignore the space available since my guess is that the restore would work.  My guess is because the backup got al 250GB of data from the spanned partition even though the UI says it was only a 20GB partition.  The -force option does not override the space available check though.  Is there a way to override the check other than modifying the source code and recompiling?


    • ip-rob

      ip-rob - 2009-07-31

      I've tried for hours to get this app to build with no luck.  I followed the text files "HowToBuild" exactly but then get the dreaded "this application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect" when I move the app to a different machine.  Runs fine on the machine used to build the app but I cannot test the scenario since that machine can't be used for the restore process.

      Is anyone monitoring this thread?


  • Dmitry Ivanov

    Dmitry Ivanov - 2012-09-17

    same here, shows the size of 1st drive instead of dynamic drive size

  • Dmitry Ivanov

    Dmitry Ivanov - 2012-09-17

    ups, old thread


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