
#29 SchemaDataSource does not notice changes in catalog/database


SchemaDataSource is refreshed by making a clone of the existing connection. As a side-effect, it re-connects to the data source, which either points it to whatever database/catalog is in the DSN, which may be nothing at all. This either causes the SchemaDataSource to fail to initialize properly, or more annoying, points it to the original database name, which may have changed if the user issued a USE or similar command.

SchemaDataSource should be re-written to use the "master" connection as it stands. It is not clear what side effects this might have.


  • Maury Markowitz

    Maury Markowitz - 2012-06-20

    Simply removing the [conn clone] in MyDocument.onExecuteQuery appears to have done the trick. The schema now (correctly) doesn't display if there is no selected database, immediately updates when one is selected, and changes as expected when you issue USE commands to talk to different catalogs.

  • Maury Markowitz

    Maury Markowitz - 2012-06-20
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Maury Markowitz

    Maury Markowitz - 2012-06-28
    • assigned_to: nobody --> maurym
    • status: pending-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Maury Markowitz

    Maury Markowitz - 2012-07-19
    • status: open-fixed --> pending-fixed