
Mac OS X binary package available

Here's the Readme:

The OpenGL Obj Loader - v0.1

1. Release

This is the first iteration, no speed or memory optimisation has been done.
The largest model I tried (350,000 triangles) loaded alright on a 700 Mhz Mac (slightly choppy framerate though).

2. Build

Non-Mac users should change references to "GLUT/glut.h" in "GL/glut.h".
Uses OpenGL and GLUT libraries (cf.\).

3. Usage

Mac/Linux users:
> ./Tool [file.obj]

Windows users:
C:/ Tool [file.obj]

If no file is specified, Tool opens "Data/Cube.obj" (provided with the source).
Dragging with the left mouse button rotates the model.
Cmd-Q to quit (Mac), probably Ctrl-C on other platforms.

4. Tests

Tested on Mac OS X.
Feedback from other platforms users is largely welcome.

5. License

This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in this package (GPL.txt), or alternatively here:

Posted by Seb 2005-12-16

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