
Object Library Documentation Project / News: Recent posts

Project On Hold

Hey everyone,

Because of time restraints and lack of public interest and feedback, I am putting the Object Library Documentation Project on hold to focus on several other projects.

If anyone is interested in further development on this open source, common library definition project, feel free to contact me.



Posted by Joshua Bair 2003-08-23

New Files Released

The first release of the ObjectLibrary.dll, ObjectLibraryWizard.exe, XMLViewer.exe, and the ObjectLibrary XML Schema are now available. I also have a sample ObjectLibrary.xml document (based on the ObjectModel.dll library) and a sample XSL/T document to create an HTML help document from any Object Model XML document. Use the XMLViewer utility to open both files. I will post the resulting HTML document to the site under "documentation".

Posted by Joshua Bair 2002-06-29

Project Officially Started

Hello everyone.

Welcome to the Object Library Documentation Project site.

If you've ever wanted to develop and document an object model before actually creating it, or if you've ever wanted to document a pre-existing library, or if you've ever wanted to publish a library that you have created, this is the project for you.

I have been working on a standard object model and XML schema to define and document other object models. From this standard, code can be easily generated and documented, public reference manuals can be created, and object models can be transmitted to various locations.... read more

Posted by Joshua Bair 2002-06-29