
Search by Bibid

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    If I want to add "serach by Biblio ID", which pages should I modify?

    • Micah Stetson

      Micah Stetson - 2007-06-29

      Do you want to search for items with a bibid that contains some number, like searching for 127 would bring up 1273 and 31270?  Or do you just want a form where you can enter a valid bibid and see the corresponding record, e.g. entering 127 will bring up only the item with bibid 127 and an error otherwise?

      If you want the first, you need to add another search type to shared/biblio_search.php, classes/BiblioSearchQuery.php, and the forms that use them.  If you just want to look at the record with a particular bibid, you only need to make a form or link that takes you to shared/biblio_view.php?tab=$tab&bibid=$bibid for appropriate $tab (i.e. opac or cataloging) and $bibid.

      Hope that helps,


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Many thanks, Micah! I managed to solve this.


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