

  • Bedri Zeqiri

    Bedri Zeqiri - 2010-09-23


    Does anyone has replaced the current fpdf classes with the ufpdf classes, required for pdf reports. I need this for the arabic fonts in pdf generated reports.

    Please anyone an idea on how to place the ufpdf in Openbiblio

    Thanks in advise

  • Hans van der Weij

    Are you talking about the patch posted in "Add Unicode support on PDF printing"?
    I haven't tried this patch sorry.

  • Bedri Zeqiri

    Bedri Zeqiri - 2010-09-25

    Hello "infifnite-mnkz"

    I already did the patch number-4 and the utf support patch which is depending on the first one…and did all the things written in tutorial but i got 􏿽􏿽􏿽􏿽􏿽􏿽􏿽 in pdf files when i write arabic fonts. Is this patch working or not. I spent three days on working with this patch but no success…

    Please if anyone made it work reply..

    Thanks in advise

  • Bedri Zeqiri

    Bedri Zeqiri - 2010-09-25

    In fact it doesn't display any of the utf-8 fonts (ex: € - it gives 􏿽)

  • Jane Sandberg

    Jane Sandberg - 2016-07-28

    FYI, OpenBiblio 1.0 will replace the FPDF class with TCPDF, which has some really nice Unicode support.


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