
Problem creating a custom report in PDF (useing landscape view)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-05


    I have problems creating a custom report list of acquisition in PDF using the feature OpenBiblio. I'm not a software developer (i studied anthropology, please be didactic in the explanation).

    I need to show the follow information in the report:

    1. Call number
    2. Title
    3. Author
    4. Collection

    I need to show it a landscape view (to maximize the view of information in each column).

    What i do:

    1. Modify the /layouts/default/list.php and add a new page layout like A4 or legal and define a landscape view.

    $lay = new Lay('A4', 'landscape');

    Then i modify the /reports/defs/acquisitions.rpt

    .title Acquisition
    .category Cataloging
    .layout labels title=Labels"
    .column bibid hidden
    .column callno sort=callno title="Call Num." width=3
    .column title sort=title func=biblio_link title="Title" width=10
    .column author sort=author title="Author" width=5
    .column collection sort=material title="Collection" width=3

    I put the needed columns, and added a "width" parameter to influence the widths of the individual columns in print list layout. (works, but not use the entire landscape view if increse the number of width)

    The columns are now bigger, but only use the space considered if have a vertical view, not use the space of landcape view. You can check an example here:

    I need to modify other file to set the view in landscape? and use all the space of width to show the columns and make the report easy to read? Maybe any in classes/PDF.php ?

    Thanks you very much.

    • Hans van der Weij

      I didn't know there is a width parameter for Print list, you discovered that yourself!

      The cause for the list not using all width of the page in landscape orientation seems to be a harcoded value in /layouts/default/list.php
      This value is in the line directly above where you edited for landscape. For me, landscape works all right when this line is changed to the following:

      $unit = (11-$totalspacing)/$total;



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