
search results

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have a suggestion but to be honest I am not sure how to articulate the suggestion:-P

    We have a library setup with over 15000 catalogued resources now, and are still entering daily as it is not yet completed. However, my library staff often just goto 'cataloging' then click 'search' under title on 'search bibliography by search phrase', in an attempt to go through and check on individual books for all sorts of reason in the initial setup phrase. However with such a large return of result over 15000! The problem occurs in that the first 20 pages of result is great, but after the 20 you have to click on 'Next' on each and every page afterwards. An ability to go to a set page would be great. For example to be able to click on page 50 would be very handy indeed!

    Man I hope that made sense!

    Regards from
    Rev Dean Thomas

    • psuarz

      psuarz - 2009-02-24

      Rev Dean:
      It made sense. I don't speach english very well, and if I understood It means that made sense. I don't know if you will say the same.

      I have a library with over 30000 catalogued resources and the staff had the same problem.
      It's easy to increase the number of set pages. I made it to my system time ago.

      You must go to
      and change the value (I use 99)

      I hope it can help.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thanks very much mate it worked great! your help was greatly apprecriated!



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